Postcard Press Picks: Duolingo
Outside of the United States, it’s completely normal–and even expected–to be fluent in more than one language. Many Europeans are bilingual and even trilingual, which makes sense since countries are so close together. However, Americans often lack in this department, most only taking the required language courses in high school and then never using the skills again–leading them to forget even the most common of phrases.
When it comes to travel, this can be a real burden because not everyone you meet will speak your native language. And for the longest time, learning a second language as an adult was a pricey investment with software like Rosetta Stone or in-person classes. That’s why my pick this week is Duolingo–a website and mobile app that makes learning a second language easy and fun.
I learned about Duolingo shortly after meeting Nicole in school. She was using the program freshen up on her Spanish, and I thought it was an amazing tool and signed up that night. I used it to polish up on my basic Spanish skill before having to stop due to having too much on my plate, but I plan on going back to it once my life slows down to relearn Spanish and even Japanese–which they added recently.
While there’s conflicting testimonies on how fluent you can get through Duolingo, it’s a great way to learn the basics and important phrases of a country you’re planning to visit. The locals will be excited to see you’ve taken the time to learn their language, and it’ll make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for since you won’t have to waste time looking for someone who speaks English (or your native language).
Featured Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

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