Postcard Press Picks:
The Venture Out Project
The outdoors belong to everyone, and there is no one more keen to helping queer youth understand this than The Venture Out Project. Founded by Perry Cohen, the Venture Out Project is one of the first wilderness guiding companies run by, and for, queer and transgender people. This company first began in 2014 with simple backpacking trips, and has expanded to hosting inclusivity workshops for camps and schools.
Cohen wanted to create a safe space for queer and transgender youth–a place where they can grow, learn about themselves, and gain confidence. These youths gain an affirming experience from traditional outdoor education and summer camp models, while also developing a love and knowledge for the outdoors.
Their values encompass much more than inclusivity. The Venture Out Project has a strong focus on environmental stewardship, social justice, and community as a source of pride and strength.
If this sounds incredible to you, check out their schedule of trips. They are separated into a categories for adults and for youth, so everyone can take part in an event. If you’re all booked up, don’t fret! Check out the incredible testimonials and inspiring stories from their blog to stay up to date with the wonderful work this company is doing.
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