Submissions are currently CLOSED.
Postcard Press is looking for work with a focus on travel and tourism. We want work that fully embraces culture with a worldly flair, told in the POV of an adventurer, not a tourist. Work in alternative genres is encouraged. We want new, different takes on the original and lets the reader experience the world and learn about the people and places who share this Earth with them.
Papers of a more academic and journalistic nature will be accepted, ranging from 1500-5000 words. Postcard Press will accept a 500-word abstract proposal before a manuscript will be reviewed and published in the e-magazine. Only doc.x files accepted.
Blog Posts
Postcard Press accepts personal narratives with a travel and tourism focus, ranging from 1000-2000 words including any photographs taken by the author, figures, and references, if necessary. Only doc.x files accepted.
Postcard Press accepts all types of photography included with a blog post, an article, or stand alone. We accept a maximum of five shots per submission. The photos may be edited, but we ask that you describe which filter technique was used. We also ask that the photos represent culture, ecosystems, and wildlife and ask that the welfare of the environment takes precedence over the photography. We prefer to receive the highest quality file: JPEG or PNG files. Please do not send thumbnails of a photograph, they will be turned away.
All submissions should be sent to the Postcard Press Gmail account: